The RailStaff Awards 2024

Nominations for Samaritans Lifesaver Award

Sally Ralston

Said the following about Terry Flanagan:

“On 5/7/15 at the Station, around 19:00 a young man approached the window in obvious distress and told Terry to get in touch with somebody or he was going to commit suicide. Terry had a short conversation with him and told him he would contact someone and would come out for a chat. Terry then rang 999 and asked for Police assistance and then ran out and stood with the young man trying to make conversation and reassure him as best he could. A train stopped and luckily Security were on board and came and helped look after him. When Terry was sure that he was in good hands he returned to the booking office to inform the Station Manager. The Police arrived and after talking to him decided to call an ambulance. Terry made him a cup of tea whilst awaiting the ambulance in an attempt to calm his anxieties. Terry did not know if the young man was serious in his threat to harm himself but he couldn't take any chances so he positioned himself between him and the platform and kept him down in the corner of the booking office, away from danger.

Terry knows that the training he received from the Samaritans benefited him in preventing the young man from taking his own life. As an ex-driver, he has previously been involved in three suicides and recognises the importance of noticing the signs and engaging with people to avert a tragedy.

The young man informed the member of Staff to pass his thanks on to Terry for saving his life.“