The RailStaff Awards 2024

Nominations for Rail Manager of the Year

Saeda Maihanwal

Said the following about Shaun Paddison:

“I would like to nominate my manager Shaun Paddison for Rail Manager of the Year. His exceptional leadership, unwavering support, and remarkable dedication make him a standout candidate for this recognition. Throughout my time working under Shaun's guidance, I have witnessed his unparalleled commitment to fostering a positive and empowering work environment.

Shaun's kindness, compassion, and willingness to lend an empathetic ear have had a profound impact on our team. Regardless of the challenges we face, he consistently offers his undivided attention and thoughtful guidance, creating an atmosphere where each team member's voice is heard and valued. His open-mindedness and non-judgmental approach inspire confidence and foster a culture of inclusivity.

One of Shaun's most remarkable qualities is his eagerness to nurture and support the growth of his team members. He has played an instrumental role in my professional journey, particularly in my pursuit of a first-class degree in supply chain management through an apprenticeship. Shaun's belief in my potential and his willingness to provide exposure to various departments has been pivotal in shaping my career trajectory. His encouragement and support have been unwavering, enabling me to thrive both personally and professionally.

Shaun's exceptional managerial prowess is evident in his adept problem-solving skills and hands-on approach to challenges. His confidence, combined with his deep respect for those around him, cultivates an atmosphere of collaboration and productivity. Whether in the office or out in the field, Shaun's ability to take control of situations is matched only by his skill in effective communication.

Shaun's dedication to the rail industry extends beyond his role as a manager; he truly embodies the spirit of a leader who goes above and beyond. His passion for the industry is infectious, and his enthusiastic willingness to help others is unparalleled. His responsiveness, even in the face of complex tasks, demonstrates his remarkable aptitude for tackling challenges head-on and finding innovative solutions.“