The RailStaff Awards 2024

Nominations for Depot Staff Award

Louise Ward

Said the following about Shane Hill:

“Shane wanted to find a way to simplify and improve safety communication and record keeping on the depot. He did some research and identified an App which he thought would help. He then developed a business case and obtained local funding for a trial and worked closely with the developers to make sure that he was using the tool to the full, and customising it to meet the needs of the depot staff. It was really well received, and the depot moved on from a trial to implement the App across all depot operations, where it significantly improved communication, record keeping and safety culture.

Shane didn’t stop there though. He was convinced that the App could be beneficial to the wider business, and put together a proposal for a company wide roll out which he presented to the Safety and Sustainability Director, and shareholder representatives during a site visit. The Safety Director agreed, and invited Shane to join a working group to support a full tender process to evaluate the App alongside others in the market, and select the most appropriate one for a company wide roll out.

Shane remained a strong advocate for the App he’d selected for his depot, but contributed fully to the tender process. He led the team in testing and evaluating all the candidate Apps, drawing on his experience of implementing, customising and operating the App at Southampton to fully evaluate all the relevant features of the candidate Apps, and working with the tenderers to consider customisation and options for future development.

Shane undertook all of this work in addition to his normal duties, because he saw an opportunity to make a positive difference to the safety and everyday work life of his colleagues. His knowledge, experience and most importantly his enthusiasm has really engaged and empowered others to get involved, and this has been key to the success of the project.

The tender process has concluded, and the company will be taking the App that Shane identified forward for a company wide roll out. Shane will be a Super-User and will play a key role in helping the business to customise, implement and develop the App going forwards.

This is a great example of the way in which an idea can drive positive change and make a difference to the everyday lives of rail staff, particularly when it is driven by passion, commitment, experience and collaborative working.

Shane’s hard work and dedication to this project have been exemplary, and I am nominating him for this award to encourage others who have an idea to speak up and take the initiative to help ensure that everyone goes home safe and well at the end of every shift.“

Dan Prendergast

Said the following about Shane Hill:

“Over the last couple of years Shane has been studying towards an “Associate Project Management Level 4” qualification. During this time the operation has benefited from his personal development with the introduction of multiple systems that help to make the management of the site more efficient and professional.

He started with lobby track which assisted with the control of visitors and contractors to the site, using real time systems and new hardware using an electrical roll call register. He then starting working with workwallet an APP based system that he found helped to resolve some of our problems with issuing staff briefings. Workwallet went on to evolve into a safety management system for the site looking after contractor controls/permits to work/document control & asset management.

Throughout the last 2 years Shane has taken ownership over these projects and shown outstanding passion and determination to roll these systems out and also communicating with other sites so they could benefit from the development of these safety systems.

Shane is a conscientious, motivated and an integral part of the Southampton Maritime team and I am proud that he is part of the reason why the terminal is a great place to work.“

Simon Marsh

Said the following about Shane Hill:

“Great work with work wallet and outstanding person.“