The RailStaff Awards 2024

Nominations for Rail Person of the Year

Nadia Paul

Said the following about Fernando Oliveira:

“Fernando deserves recognition because he consistently goes above and beyond to support passengers and ensure GTR stations remain safe and welcoming spaces for colleagues and customers.

Fernando ensures that GTR delivers high levels of customer service to our passengers ensuring our stations are presentable and safe. This often involves travelling to different stations, helping colleagues with additional duties, and maintaining a physical presence in our stations.

Fernando’s astuteness and ability to plan where extra resources will be needed on the network means he is always in the right place at the right time. This has helped GTR maintain a stable schedule of 17 figures, and means that passengers on the Wimbledon Loop see a friendly and reliable face when they travel.

Fernando goes the extra mile with station safety and presentation duties, working hard to ensure that facilities are safe and accessible.

Fernando’s achievements have not gone unnoticed by local stakeholders and the Station Manager, who have described him as having “a relentless dedication to customer services and railways”. Several SMs have commented that they all need a Fernando in their world!“