The RailStaff Awards 2024

Tom Love

Govia Thameslink Railway

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Nominations for Samaritans Lifesaver

Richard Warner

Said the following about Tom Love:

“Tom was at the station on the platform. He had come across a gentleman who was threatening to take his own life. Tom instantly applied exceptional empathy for this individual and started to interact and gain a relationship with the gentlemen. The gent started telling Tom that, he had a big argument with his girlfriend and recently jumped off their balcony which put him in hospital. Tom realised that the gentleman was not in a good frame of mind and carried on talking to him and sympathising with him. This is when Tom gained his trust and managed to speak the gent away from the platform and towards the front of the station. Tom informed the gent that, there is a help centre that is not far away. Tom made the guy promise to go and see them. A few hours had passed and the gent came back to thank Tom and he did go to the local help centre and speak to them. The gent said Tom had helped him a lot and got him into a much better head space.“