The RailStaff Awards 2024

Nominations for Samaritans Lifesaver

Neal Bailey

Said the following about Grace-Anne Stephenson:

“Grace is a dispatcher at Norwood Junction that has a genuine heart of Gold. She has been stationed here for a number of years and is an asset to the team. Her motherly nature has caused both staff and customers to affectionally refer to her as aunty Grace.

One day, the train was delayed on the platform. This train was to be dispatched by another member of staff on duty as Grace was having her allotted break. Grace looked up and noticed the train was still on the platform so went to observe what was causing the delay, She noticed her colleague was at the top of the platform talking to someone over on another platform, so she quickly rushed to see what the situation was, and discovered a pregnant young lady standing in the corner crying and the driver of service trying to talk to her. Grace rushed to the platform and the driver told her the lady's name.

Grace approached her and instantly hugged her, and she broke down in emotional distress. Grace took her to the bench and away from the edge of the platform to calm her down and to get the service moving. Grace gently asked what brought her here and enquired if she was okay, to which the young lady replied "I am tired, and I want to end it all". Grace expressed that at this point her heart sunk with pain and compassion for her. Eventually, she managed to get her off the platform to a quieter part of the station, away from passengers who were observing the commotion.

Grace stayed with the young lady as she expressed that she did not want to speak to anyone else besides her. After speaking with the police it was established that the suicidal lady was very stressed and having mental issues along with anxiety about losing her baby to social services. After the assessment, BTP gave authorisation for the lady to travel home but it was also discovered that the lady had not eaten since the previous day. Grace decided to take her to a restaurant to eat and spent more time with her to ensure she was calm and was in a better head space and if that was not enough, accompanied her to another service, making sure she was safe. The young lady insisted she wanted to travel home on her own and did not wish for anyone to be contacted on her behalf.

Before leaving, Grace gave the lady her contact details just in case she needed someone to talk to.

The woman stayed in contact with Grace and expressly thanked her for saving her life and exactly two months later to the day, her healthy baby was born.

In response to this amazing news, Grace rallied the entire team together and they gifted the young mother with nappies, wipes, and all the essentials a new parent would need.

The depth of empathy, selflessness, and compassion demonstrated by Grace Stephenson is truly inspirational.“