The RailStaff Awards 2024

Jenna Micklewright

Said the following about Alistair Dunn:

“Alistair has been the Train Manager Coach at Newcastle depot for the past 6 years.

During the 6 years, he has played a key part in the training and coaching of new Train Managers once they have left the training school. He has carried out peer assessments to keep Train Manager's competency packs up to date and he also trained the majority of Newcastle depot's Train Managers on the HST power assisted doors when they were modified.

Alistair has also worked across depots, providing Train Manager Coach support for Leeds depot whilst they recruited for their own coach position(s).

Lastly, Alistair helped me personally when I got the role of Train Manager Coach at Newcastle. He shared with me his knowledge and expertise and was always available if I needed help completing my training.

It has been a pleasure to work alongside Alistair and have him as a mentor. Whilst doing this Alistair also continued his own day to day role as Train Manager.“