The RailStaff Awards 2024

Nominations for Rail Person of the Year

Deborah Carmichael

Said the following about Susan Temple:

“Susan goes to so much trouble to welcome and inform, guide and advise all her customers. She is patient and friendly and also respectful and considerate, showing real patience and in a recent tragedy at the station, true human compassion. She has made her station a vibrant community hub who with her leadership has involved her staff on huge charitable activities that have benefitted Johnston and a much larger community of those in need.“

Linda Boyd

Said the following about Susan Temple:

“Susan is one of those people that you don't come across fairly often. She's not overly complicated What you see is what you get And no matter what she will tell you straight. Susan believes that everyone should be given a chance Which is why when she is asked to support a colleague who is learning Which is why when she is asked to support a colleague who is learning All about booking offices She will happily give up her time She will happily give up her time OK she may be having a little moan But in the end she will Do what she can To enable her colleagues to reach their target

During covid Susan spent many unpaid hours working with others colleagues doing anti social events as she believed that showing people that they where still around.

Susan greatest love is her family especially her granddaughters, but Susan has another family with some colleague referring her as their railway family.

Susan is no saint And she'd be the first to tell you that If she had one failure It's that she doesn't seem to know the word no. Through her work At the station With all the charities That the station's supports Susan never turns away someone in need of help, Susan Is a big massive A ball of energy and Enthusiasm She's one of these people who sees that something needs to be done but doesn't wait around to find out who can do it, she just gets on with it. Susan can drive you nuts at times just ask Alex and believe me I know. she will go the extra mile twice over to help others.

Susan is my friend but for me she is“