The RailStaff Awards 2024

Ken Robinson

Said the following about Positive Intervention to Control Exposure to Ballast Dust:

“As part of VolkerRail’s Supervisors Forum’s, an internal training programme whereby supervisory team’s choose projects to develop and enhance specific areas of safety within the business, a team of On Track Machine operator and supervisors worked together to develop a strategy to allow the business to share awareness and knowledge of how to minimise the risk from exposure to ballast dust, specifically Silica dust while working in and around tampers.

Since the completion of this project the team have made significant developments, improvements and awareness of the health and safety issues, control measures and a broader understanding by staff of the issues brought about by ballast dust on the railway network.

The key to the development and delivery of the project was the enthusiasm of all staff involved, who have to date:

• Held briefing sessions - Which have been rolled out across the business. These sessions cover the entire why, where, how, when questions associated and culminate in staff being competent in face fit testing for dust masks etc. The briefing sessions have provided site based, staff ‘at risk’ from ballast dust exposure, a greater understanding of the hazards and risk involved to them personally, what action they need to take to protect themselves, whilst ensuring others working with them are also aware of the risks involved.

• developed documentation of understanding to further use of enhance protection (air fed full face masks) in certain applications, benefiting staff in particular on the OTM Ballast Regulating machines.

•presented to external clients and groups in an attempt to further develop the industry’s understanding of the risks.

Testimonials from staff within VolkerRail and external clients, including Network Rail, have praised the project for highlighting and providing in depth knowledge to staff on the risks to exposure of ballast dust and more importantly what measures they need to take to be safe at work.“

Stuart Birch

Said the following about Positive Intervention to Control Exposure to Ballast Dust:

“This team of OTM operators and supervisors from VolkerRail have helped the business and now the industry to better understand the dangers from exposure to ballast dust, specifically Silica dust and the preventative measures to help minimise the risk.

As part of the businesses supervisor development programme, the team have developed and implemented a strategy which shares awareness and knowledge on Silica dust and face fit testing. Due to the success of this programme the team were invited to demonstrate its project to members of the IP Central, Northern and SNE Safety Health Environment Leadership Team (SHELT) Summit.

As part of the demonstration the team showcased how they have established and implemented preventative methods and armed supervisors with the tools and skills required to lead the implementation of suitable control measures, raising awareness of exposure to Silica dust and its potential occupational health consequences and ensuring all current and newly appointed PTS holders are face fit tested.

The team has also liaised with the TSA Ballast Dust Working Group to help better educate the industry.

I am very proud of this team, who have taken huge strides to share knowledge within the rail industry and I believe have taken the first step in changing the way plant companies within industry protect its operators moving forward.“