The RailStaff Awards 2024

Phil Biggs

Said the following about Lorraine Mhonyera:

“I am delighted to nominate the incomparable Lorraine Mhonyera, a beacon of innovation and inclusivity in the UK rail industry. A native of Zimbabwe, she embodies the rich blend of perseverance and ingenuity, making significant strides in an industry keen to diversify its leadership strata.

Currently, in a role in the major Euston Redevelopment and the HS2 programmes, Lorraine has seamlessly merged her rich heritage and professional acumen to foster change. She stands as a sterling example of leadership, demonstrating the significant strides that can be achieved when diverse perspectives are welcomed and nurtured.

Under her helm, the Ethnicity and Race in Rail group was birthed, a vibrant initiative that aims to revitalize the UK rail sector with diverse managerial perspectives. This ground-breaking group, steadfast in its mission, is facilitating a richer, more inclusive dialogue within the industry, breaking barriers and fostering innovation through diversity.

In her endeavours, Lorraine is not just promoting representation but igniting a movement for inclusive growth and collaborative success. Through this platform, she is nurturing a new generation of leaders, prepared to steer the industry with a vision that mirrors the multicultural ethos of contemporary Britain.

Her efforts transcend mere advocacy, metamorphosing into a potent force that reshapes the industry's core, making it a beacon of unity and innovation. Lorraine is fostering a culture where individuals from varied ethnic backgrounds can contribute their unique insights, thereby enhancing the overall dynamism and resilience of the UK rail sector.

In celebrating Lorraine, we honour a woman of substance, whose journey from Zimbabwe to a role in the UK rail industry is a testament to her relentless pursuit of excellence and inclusivity. Her leadership in the Ethnicity and Race in Rail group heralds a new era where diversity is not just welcomed but cherished for the depth and breadth of perspectives it brings.

Therefore, with great admiration, I propose Lorraine Mhonyera for the HR, Diversity & Inclusion Person award, as a tribute to her transformative efforts and as an embodiment of the progressive, inclusive future she is fostering within the UK rail industry. Let's celebrate this beacon of change, a visionary sculpting a harmonious and prosperous future for the industry.“