The RailStaff Awards 2024

Nominations for Rail Manager of the Year

John Kelly

Said the following about Jonathan Tipler:

“In the two years that Jon has managed the area he has it has fair to say transformed it. With dynamic leadership he has inspired his managers and staff alike to improve in all areas. From introducing regular one to ones with his direct reports, inspiring and pushing them to reach their full potential, to building an ethos of great teamwork and morale throughout the operating community of Devon and Cornwall Jon has improvement performance and increased efficiency. Alongside this and with equal drive and enthusiasm he has worked tirelessly to improve the working conditions of his team, by bringing in extra resources, improvements to facilities and seeking innovative solutions to reduce workload and thereby reduce fatigue.

Jon actively supports his mental health first aiders in a drive to reduce stress levels.

Through Jon’s passion and dedication Devon and Cornwall are a shining light in the world of Rail Operations.“