The RailStaff Awards 2024

Nominations for Station Staff Award

Salrita Sheen-Suresh

Said the following about Jean Hewitt:

“While Jean was working at Grays station, a little girl approached Jean, crying. Her father dropped her off near the station to attend the after school club and left. When the girl went there, the club wasn't open and she didn't know what to do or how to contact her parents. The girl came into the station crying. Jean and her colleague comforted her by assuring that she is safe at the station. She spoke to her, made her calm. The girl didn't have anyone's number but she knew where she was living. Jean accompanied the girl on the next train to the nearest station and from there she took her home. The girl’s parents were so worried that they thought they lost their daughter. They were so thankful to Jean.

Jean always goes above and beyond in the situations like this. She have really raised the bar.

Jean's commitment and willingness to step up and do what needs to be done – even if it falls outside of her job title is excellent. Well-done Jean!“