The RailStaff Awards 2024

Isaac Enyan

c2c/Amulet Security

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Nominations for Rail Person of the Year

Paul Rackstraw

Said the following about Isaac Enyan:

“Isaac Enyan is a Serrano Safeguarding Officer who is based at Grays station.

Isaac cares about his community and the passengers that travel on the c2c line. Isaac deals with multiple challenges at the station including fare evasion, anti-social behaviour, verbal threats and staff assaults.

Isaac always take the lead to ensure that his colleagues and passengers are kept safe, he engages with a number of the teenage young men who try to fare evade, give verbal abuse or are creating anti- social behaviour by giving them advice on life choices and how to try to be better. This isn't a one off, Isaac does this constantly in the hope of making a difference to just one young person’s life.

Isaac is one of the main reasons that the station has seen a sharp reduction in assaults, asb and fare evasion, coupled with an increase in ticket sales as fare evaders are made to purchase tickets.

Isaac is so highly thought of and respected at c2c and Amulet, recently he has moved into a position with c2c to support his passion and help his development.“