The RailStaff Awards 2024

Hailey Giblin

Said the following about Hull Trains HR Team:

“Hull Trains has the highest percentage of female drivers in the railway and that wouldn’t be possible without the dedication the Hull Trains’ HR team put into attracting the right talent and demonstrating clear career progression opportunities that are available for everyone throughout the company.

27% of Hull Trains drivers are female, which is the highest in the railway where the average sits at 6.5%. 100% of our female drivers were promoted internally having previously held operational or on-board roles and 47% of our workforce is female, including a 50/50 gender split in the executive team.

One of the team's significant achievements this year was winning the Women in Rail, Top Employer of the Year award which demonstrates the commitment the team has in improving EDI credentials not just for Hull Trains but across the railway industry.

It is important to the team that their achievements surrounding equality and diversity are not seen as isolated examples, and that they share successes externally to promote the rail industry as a career for women. They frequently share stories about our female colleagues’ achievements with the media and celebrate them on social media.

The team also has long-standing relationships with local schools and in 2023 they will be further developing our outreach programme, with our female train drivers and on-board teams speaking to young children to showcase a career in the railway and to breakdown gender stereotypes surrounding roles that don’t typically have prominent female figures.

We’re incredibly proud to have Debbie, Claire and Hailey leading the way for our team and ensuring we remain a diverse and inclusive team that continues to grow.“