The RailStaff Awards 2024

Bal Birring

Amulet Security - Northern

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Nominations for Rail Person of the Year

Saul Ashworth

Said the following about Bal Birring:

“This nomination is for a core member of the TSO operation and someone who has been a main stay on the contract since its existence several years ago. Bradford TSO supervisor Balbir Birring has not only been ever presented since the contract was formed but has continued her rise up the ranks to now be in the position of officer in charge in the East region. Bal has overcome numerous obstacles throughout her time with us including becoming our only current female supervisor in an industry predominately male dominated, Bal being in such a position and leading by example whilst demonstrating to other females without our operation that this achievement is possible is something we are extremely proud of and something I hope Bal takes immense pride in. In recent years Bal and her team have continued to shine and exceed all expectations with a large percentage of this coming down to Bal's planning, preparation and passion for her team to be the best on the railway network. numerous awards have been won by the team more important than the RSAS Citizens in Policing award won a couple of years ago which was selected by the British Transport Police to a team of accredited officers whose performance mirrors the force's expectations. What I feel makes this nomination so special and personal is each and every one of Bal's officers has sent me personal messages asking for this to be put forward as they want their leader to feel as special and appreciated as she makes them feel on a daily basis whilst representing both company and client.

Bal continues to drive results and relationships across the region with her being a popular and now iconic figure in the region with Northern colleagues and stakeholders alike.“