The RailStaff Awards 2024

James Jio

Said the following about Holly Hardy-Johnson:

“As part of the orientation trainer team, Holly delivers many things she is passionate about including inclusion, diversity and safeguarding. But her work on First Aid is the one stand out since she joined the company last year.

She herself has a heart condition and is passionate about primary surveys and helping people who have gone into cardiac arrest. So much so that she has set up an Instagram account with one aim... to get everyone to notice defibrillators around them. #ispyadefib

She words it perfectly in her training, a loved one has the worse happen and you need a defib but where are they? I now know they are on every Avanti Train and on every station... but what about near my own home? I had no ideas? This has changed and I see they everyday in many places because Holly helped me, and i have now shared with friends and family

She uses her handle as @Mrsdefib to get pictures of all defibs she sees and also then contacts the person in charge to encourage them to register the defib on Circuit that is a database ran by the British Heart Foundation. Not every defib is known by the NHS but this data base helps.

She is so passionate and caring and an amazing trainer, I have never sat in training like it. A fantastic trainer, passionate and her Mrs Defib activity deserves the world to know!“