The RailStaff Awards 2024

Nominations for Station Staff Award

Lynsay Collins

Said the following about Christian DeCharmant:

“Christian is very organised and there are numerous things he has done recently to better support our operation and I have highlighted just two.

1) He took it upon himself to help better organise our ticket vending machine ticket stock ordering process and storage. He streamlined the process so that it was quicker. He sorted out the storing area to ensure the correct tickets were labelled and hence used in the correct machines.

He ensured accurate ticket stock audits were completed to ensure correct amounts of tickets were ordered in a timely manner.

He analysed the usage history to set up future ordering plans, which stopped huge deliveries which has led to us being able to store tickets properly and we do not waste tickets which helps us to not exceed our environmental footprint.

2) As we manage underground stations we naturally have lots of locked doors which means lots of key management as we have numerous people needing to gain access i.e. contractors, cleaners, staff etc. In the past we have regularly lost keys which costs money to reissue and causes frustration and delays to access room or areas.

Again Christian took it upon himself to create a better process for all to use.

He has colour codes the keys for different stations, clearly numbered and listed them in order and ordered a new key boxes which holds the keys in a more secure manner.

As of today no keys have gone missing in the last 3 months since this change was implemented which is a great improvement and has impacted so many people“